ഹൈഡ്രജൻ, ഓക്സിജൻ, നൈട്രജൻ, തുടങ്ങിയ വാതകങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ചോദ്യങ്ങളാണ് ഇന്നത്തെ പാഠത്തിൽ
(To be Continued...)
- Hydrogen was discovered by
- Meaning of the word Hydrogen
- Based on atomic mass which is the smallest atom
- Which is considered as the simplest atom\lightest gas
- Largest atom
- Densest atom
- Element which produces largest number of compounds
- Non metal element which showing metalic characters
- Element which is not included in any group
- Element which is present in all acids
- Element which has the second lowest boiling point and melting point among all substances
- Gas which burns blue in color
- Element that does not have neutrons in atom
- Gas which is used for making Vanaspati ghee
- Hydrogen is not using for domestic purpose because of its
- Fuel used in rockets
- Which is known as fuel of future
- Fuel which doesn't cause any pollution
- Isotops of Hydrogen are
- Which isotope of Hydrogen is considered as the ondinary Hydrogen
- Which is called as heavy Hydrogen
- Chemical name of Heavy water
- Chemical name of Super heavy water
- Most abundant isotope of Hydrogen
- Simplest radio active element\Radio active isotope of Hydrogen
- Isotops which are using for the manufacturing of Hydrogen bomb
- Most abundant compound present in animals and human body
- Scientist who proved that water is a compound of Hydrogen and Oxygen
- The matter which can exist in Solid, Liquid and gaseous forms
- High boiling point of water is due to
- Which is known as universal solvent
- Chemical name of water
- Purest water in nature
- Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of
- Temporary hardness of water can be removed by
- Permanent hardness of water can be removed by
- Gas which has the smell of rotten eggs
- Compound of Hydrogen using as bleaching agent
- Compound of Hydrogen which has the structure of an open book
- Gas which helps substances to burn but doesn't burn itself
- Number of atoms present in Oxygen molecule
- Number of atoms present in Ozone molecule
- Hydrogen and Oxygen are named by
- Gas which is colorless, tasteless and odourless
- Color of Oxygen and Ozone in solid and liquid form
- Atmospheric layer in which Ozone is present
- Substance which deplete the Ozone layer
- Industrial name of CFC
- Element in CFC which destroys ozone
- Gases used in aquatic lungs of sea divers for respiration
- Nitrogen was discovered by
- Main content of protein
- Examples of Nitrogen fixing bacterias
- Nitrogen compound which is used in photographic plates
- Most nitrogenized fertilizer
- Gas formed in atmosphere during lightning
- RDX stands for
- Explosive known as cyclonite
- Explosive known as trotyl
(To be Continued...)
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