ഇന്ത്യൻ സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യ സമരത്തിലെ പ്രധാന സംഭവങ്ങളായ ബംഗാൾ വിഭജനം, മുസ്ലിം ലീഗ് രൂപീകരണം, ഗദ്ദാർ പാർട്ടി, ഹോം റൂൾ മൂവ്മെൻറ് എന്നിവയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ചോദ്യങ്ങളാണ് ഇന്നത്തെ പാഠത്തിൽ
(To be Continued...)
- Partition of Bengal is an example of which policy of British
- Partition of Bengal came into effect on
- INC President at the time of Partition of Bengal
- All India Muslim league was formed on
- All India Muslim league was formed at
- First president of Muslim league
- First conference of Muslim league was held at
- The name Pakistan first coined by
- The idea of Pakistan was put forwarded by
- The idea of Pakistan was put forwarded in which session of Muslim League
- Who is known as Prophet of Pakistan
- National poet of Pakistan
- Famous song 'Sare Jahamse acha' is written by
- 'Sare Jahamse acha' is written in which language
- Muslim league celebrated Deliverance day on
- Muslim league celebrated Direct Action day on
- Motto of Direct Action day was
- First governor general of Pakistan
- Who is called as father of Pakistan or father of two nation theory
- Two nation theory was put forwarded in which session of Muslim League
- Lucknow pact was signed by
- Lucknow pact was in
- Poona pact was signed by
- Poona pact was in
- Congress session in which moderates and extremists were devided
- INC president of Surat session
- Moderaters and extremists reunited at
- INC President of Lucknow session
- Alipore bomb conspiracy was in
- Leaders of Alipore Conspiracy
- Lawyer who appeared for Aurobindo Ghosh for Alipore Conspiracy case
- Secretary of state for India at the time of Indian Councils Act 1909
- Act opposed by Indian leaders as it harm communal harmony of the country
- First Indian to be appointed on Governor General's executive council
- Ghadar Party was formed in
- Founding president of Ghadar Party
- First general secretary of Ghadar Party
- Other name of Ghadar Party
- Head quarters of Ghadar Party was in
- The term 'Home Rule' was adopted from
- The national movement of India during the first world war is
- Home rule movement was in
- Major aim of Home rule movement
- Leaders of Home rule movement
(To be Continued...)